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Time Management Goals for Executive Assistants


Today, executive assistants frequently respond to as many as three top-level executives. Companies are looking for the best ways to maximize their ROI, and assistants often take three employees’ workload rather than one.

In such a fast-paced, high-stakes job environment, assistants must become experts in time management.  Executive assistants not only have to manage multiple execs’ schedules, but they also have various other responsibilities they didn’t have before.

Time management goals for today’s executive assistant must consider responsibilities that range from payroll to office design and layout. As SnackNation’s report shows, a staggering 90% of assistants take on event planning duties.

What does time management look like for executive assistants in such a rapidly evolving field? And how can you become more of an efficient assistant?

How to Set Time Management Goals As an Executive Assistant

Setting goals in any position is challenging. Research shows that only 8% of people reach their New Year’s resolutions. That means 92% of the people who set goals don’t achieve them. But creating goals doesn’t have to be that challenging.

You’ve probably heard of the acronym S.M.A.R.T. for goals. This acronym stands for simple, measurable,  attractive, realistic, and timely. Statistics show that only about three percent of people who set goals adhere to the S.M.A.R.T. goal philosophy. But those who do comply with the philosophy are 10x more likely to reach their goals.

Improving Your Efficiency

Because of the increase in workplace artificial intelligence and automation, executive assistants need to bring more to the table than administrative experience. Assistants need to integrate technology into a system that allows them time for their expanded responsibilities.

Assistants cannot afford to spend all their time scheduling and planning trips. Executive assistants must enlist apps such as Monday and Microsoft’s Business Administrator to make the job’s administrative aspects more efficient.

Changing the Way You Approach Time Management

The executive assistant role is no longer only about sending emails, scheduling meetings, and booking hotels. While those are still components of the position, executive assistants have to change their perception of time management to accommodate more soft skills.

According to, companies lose up to 40% productivity due to multitasking. Executive assistants’ time management skills now depend on their ability to put resources in place that eliminate the need to multitask.

Smart companies aren’t looking for candidates to complete simple administrative tasks and personal errands; they’re looking for candidates who can install time management systems that increase ROI.

The Art of Prioritization

Research completed by Thriveglobal showed only 9 percent of the surveyed executives were happy with their time allocation, so clearly, there is a need for proficient time management experts. One of the most proven methods to gain expertise in time management is through the art of prioritization.

As Georgia Tech organizational psychologist Howard Weiss suggests, you can’t afford to “schedule” your most important tasks. Instead, think of completing them in terms of “performance episodes.”

Performance episodes are different from scheduling because they utilize the power of uninterrupted focus. Merely scheduling a task doesn’t mean you will focus on that task. For example, commit to spending a 30-minute, uninterrupted period each day for each of your most important tasks.

An executive assistant’s daily routine is always changing. When you think of your day in terms of performance chunks instead of static routine, you’ll achieve better results.

Hone Your Time Management Skills to Stand Out Among Your Competition

Changes in the executive assistant role were happening before coronavirus. But with the pandemic and an increase in telecommuting, companies need assistants who understand how to utilize technology and get more creative with time management.

C-Suite Assistants understands what companies are looking for in this changing business environment. If you’re an executive assistant looking for an employer who fits your needs, reach out to us today!

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